Misery is the number one killer of progress. In order to stay motivated it’s crucial to learn how to stay focused on the small wins and not the short falls.
You’re listening to Episode 96 of the Music-Preneur Mindset Podcast.
Hello! You’re listening to Episode 96: The Importance of Celebrating Small Wins.
I’m your host, Suz, a mindset + productivity coach helping music professionals get clear on their goals, priorities, and next steps all while decreasing overwhelm and avoiding burnout.
Speaking of burnout… raise your hand if this past year has been filled with a roller coaster of confusion and beating yourself up for not getting more done with false peaks of motivation and inspiration to start anew only to burnout soon thereafter. Come on, raise em high so I can see.
Yea, you’re not alone.
We’re now at the one year mark since our worlds drastically changed and our minds and bodies had to adjust to new routines and new expectations. Looking back, it’s been a year filled with grief, anxiety, depression, confusion, reflection, self-growth and a reckoning of many hard truths that can no longer be ignored with hope for radical change that brings about equity and healing.
That’s a LOT to digest in 365 days.
And that’s on top of the personal goals and responsibilities we each carry with us. The burnout that may come from the basic acts of getting dressed in the morning and putting in a full day’s work doesn’t reflect your inability to get things done, it reflects your body’s reaction to everything else it’s processing while you put in a full day’s work.
It is more than understandable if you need to take time off from being the doer of all things and simply be. Be the person who handles their responsibilities, the “must-dos,” and then checks out for a bit. That’s ok. You goals will be here when you return.
However, if you’re sitting there like, “Suz, yea that’s great, but I don’t WANT to be that person, I’m ready to do more, I have ideas I want to act on now, I just can’t seem to get it done,” then I’d say it’s time to reframe how you tackle your tasks each day in order to maintain the motivation to keep going.
First, let’s be honest about the fact that we’re in a global pandemic. It’s not an excuse, it’s not a made up narrative to give you permission to sit home and do nothing. It’s the reality we’re in and the less you fight against it and work within it the more energy you’ll have to accomplish the things you want to accomplish.
It’s the same as being more realistic about how much time you have in the day. You’re not lazy because you can’t get 30 hours worth of work done in a 24-hour day. Especially since, if you know me you know where I’m going with this, we don’t have 24-hours in our day, not really.
Being honest about the circumstances you’re in allows you to plan and execute with clarity and actually get shit done that is doable within those circumstances.
And something that isn’t addressed enough when people discuss managing your own expectations within a pandemic, take into consideration that a great deal of work that you do requires participation from others (collaborators, work for hires, fans…) and while YOU may feel like you’ve got a handle on life right now, others may not.
Being realistic and alert to what’s going on in the world right now makes you a better collaborator and community leader. Don’t allow yourself to become tone deaf because you’re so focused on being as productive as you can be.
Projects are going to take longer than usual, meetings are going to be rescheduled or start late, and fans may surprise you with their reactions to your posts – in the best or worst ways – so now is the time to listen and adjust as needed.
Your goals are not yours alone. It takes a community of people, one in which you’re the leader, and wasting time and energy being frustrated that things aren’t going as planned or as fast as you’d like them to go isn’t going to help.
Now raise your hand if you’re thinking, “Is she gonna talk about celebrating wins anytime soon?” YES! I see you sitting there waiting for the topic of this episode to kick in and hold tight, because this is all connected.
You may be lucky enough to not be experiencing grief or financial hardships or health issues right now, or maybe you are but you’re able to soldier on and keep your eyes on the prize. And yet, there are still those times where you’re ready to work and have no idea what’s supposed to come next.
Pandemic-itis is not the only thing that keeps people distracted or exhausted. Sometimes it’s the classic case of being unmotivated because the goal, the purpose, the endgame feels so far off. You’re looking at the iceberg and paralyzed by the journey ahead.
Easiest way to start microtasking out that iceberg???
You guessed it… celebrate the small wins! See? Told ya we’d get there.
Getting clear on your why for this journey ahead is just as important, but even when you are focused on the greater purpose, the hilltop can still feel insurmountable. Celebrating getting started, jumping over your first hurdle (even if you fall flat on your face), moving forward in the face of adversity, being kind to yourself with your first break, and all the little steps in between are worth celebrating!
I’ve discussed before in previous episodes Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map and how it reframes the journey for you by getting you to focus on how you want to FEEL rather than what you want to achieve. This is important because when those goal lines are far-off, you’re able to find ways to feel the way you’d like to feel while you’re on the journey to that goal and that is an incredible motivator.
It’s like being able to enjoy some cookie crumbs along the way before you reach that delectable ice cream sundae at the end of the road. I’m a huge fan of the Desire Map and I’ve included an affiliate link in the show notes if you’re interested in grabbing it. It was a true game changer for me when I completed it.
However, I’ve learned that knowing your why and deciding how you want to feel throughout the journey still aren’t enough when the world around you is throwing so many hurdles in your path that you can’t control or sidestep.
When we put our heads down to soldier on, the feelings we’re chasing in the name of our why start to become more illusive when we’re sifting through quicksand and navigating the world through new circumstances that change at seemingly every turn.
It starts to become us vs. the day ahead and we fall back into reactive mode, putting out fires rather than working with intention.
What if we spent more time intentionally celebrating all that’s going right with the day, rather than the next hurdle we’re anticipating?
Last week’s episode, Episode 95, focused on the law of attraction and I talked about the pitfalls of focusing too much on the wrong thing. What if we focused on the things that were serving our goals rather than the crap getting in between us and our goals?
We can’t stop the upsets from happening. We can’t stop life from doing its worst when we least expect it. So why not let go and celebrate what can be controlled?
Waking up without hitting snooze (or hitting it less times than the day before).
Eating a full meal that was healthy and energizing.
Getting outside and breathing in the fresh air for 10 mins before our next call.
Making progress on a song even if it’s not done, it’s further along than it was yesterday.
Receiving gratitude from a fan or a response to a pitch you sent out.
Doing that one really hard thing, even if it was messy.
These are ALL worth celebrating and when you celebrate and inject more play in your day you’re not letting the world win. You’re not letting the hurdles dictate how your day goes.
It’s empowering and motivating in a way that other mindset tricks can’t be because you’re physically and energetically taking action and deciding to acknowledge your accomplishments.
That iceberg may still be there but you’re a few more steps up the incline. You chipped away at a piece, you found your footing on the next step, you’re still holding on to the rope.
So what does this celebration look like? That’s the best part, you get to decide!
There’s no wrong way to celebrate, but for the sake of staying productive, keep it short and sweet. Stop for 10 mins to dance it out to your favorite guilty pleasure music. Message a friend to share the good news. Write in your journal. Look in the mirror and say, “I’m proud of you, you’ve got this! Keep going!” Make yourself your favorite snack and enjoy 20-30 mins of a show or podcast while you eat. Go for a run.
Make a list of the things that bring you joy and post it somewhere you can see. Think of it like a rewards list and when things go well you get to choose from the list.
Should the size of the reward reflect the size of the win?
Well, sure… but that depends on how you measure size. Maybe the task took you all of 10 mins but it’s something that had been causing you a lot of anxiety and taking that action wasn’t easy- celebrate it big time! Maybe the task took longer than expected and it wasn’t that hard, but it needed to get done. Ok, quick celebration and shake off the dregs of doing that work then back at it!
Trust yourself to know what you deserve.
If you’re looking for more guidance on this as you implement this new commitment to yourself and would like a full community cheering you on, email me about Rock/Star Slackers™, my weekly accountability and monthly coaching program, and I’ll let you know how people are celebrating their wins in the community and making progress on their goals. Small win celebrations are a BIG focus in the program so if you struggle with honoring those celebrations
for yourself, let me know!
I’ll also be celebrating and honoring everyone’s wins on March 24 @ 4pm EST when I host my FREE 90-min live training – Tapping into Your Vision. I’ll be guiding everyone on how to rewire their limiting beliefs through the art of EFT, also known as tapping, identifying their most top priorities AND we’ll be creating specific and powerful vision boards to attract the exact energy, things, and people needed to help us reach our goals.
So, if you want a quick win and celebrate it at the same time, RSVP using the link in the show notes www.therockstaradvocate.com/ep96.
Registering for this free training is ALSO something worth celebrating, so DM me on Instagram @rockstaradvo and let me know you’re coming so we can BOTH celebrate!
If you take one thing away from today’s episode let it be this: stop being so hard on yourself.
Life is hard enough and time passes right on by. As the legendary Ferris Bueller once said, “If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
And if you have no idea who I just referenced please make your next celebratory action to be watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Let it inspire you to do the same now and again.
Thank you so much for listening and if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe on your platform of choice as I’ll be back every week with a brand new episode! And if you like what you’ve heard I’d love it if you’d rate, follow, leave a review, or share from your favorite platform.
Until next time, Rock/Star. Keep planning, keep learning, and I hope to see you back here next week so we can get grounded to get rising! Take care.
Key Highlights
- Join me for a Tapping Into Your Vision webinar on March 24th at 4:00pm EST
- How to deal with the impact and aftermath of a year like 2020 in regards to your productivity and mindset
- Why it’s important to take your community into consideration
- How celebrating wins can get you out of a burnout funk – especially when your end goal feels really far away
- The difference between working reactively and working intentionally
- Determining how you will celebrate your wins
- What small wins will YOU celebrate this week? How will you celebrate?
- Tell us in the comments!
- Theme music brought to you by DC-based Indie/Pop band Sub-Radio
- More podcast episodes can be found here
- You can download a copy of the episode’s transcript here
- Our Sponsor: Tapping Into Your Vision webinar on March 24th at 4:00pm EST below and get my From Flustered to Focused Checklist when you sign up!
- Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map Workbook
- Wanna work together?? Schedule your call here
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